In Sanskrit (Indian Language) hibiscus is compared with sun for its bright colours and positive energy. In my childhood only, I learnt that verse and that was a time I got first introduced with this loving flower.

Friends in this article, we will understand some important things about growing hibiscus. This is plant of shrub category. In India, flowers of hibiscus are offered to God Ganesha and Goddess Kalika. Therefore, in India, whether its backyard of bunglow or its balcony of apartment, hibiscus is most widely grown plant. As I have born in city of Mumbai, space is always an issue for every citizen of Mumbai. However, hibiscus is one such plant which can be easily grown in pot culture. Since last 8 years I have cultivated different varieties of hibiscus and during this period I learned lots of things about them. In this article, I am going to walk you through these learning.

Hibiscus is known to all across the globe. In India, there are around 25-30 varieties of hibiscus plant. Flowers of hibiscus may have 5, 6, 24 or 36 petals. In India, we find pink, traditional red, white, orange, yellow, and blue colored hibiscus. In my balcony garden, I have cultivated 20 varieties of this plant. You will be surprised to know that hibiscus is not only found in India, but also found in Taiwan, Huwaei, USA, and European countries. There as well we can find around 50 varieties of hibiscus. Due to this variety, hibiscus gives tough fight to rose in terms of beauty and colours. Scientifically, hibiscus is known as Hibiscus rosa sinensis. It is also called as Chinese Rose or Shoe flower. There is one story behind this name of Shoe Flower. When shoes were invented as footwear, it was necessary to take care of them. During this time, one person was facing lack of polish and oil to make them shiny. So he tried petals of hibiscus on shoes and what a magic ! Shoes got shiny ! Therefore, it is then called as shoe flower. Now let us understand how to grow this flowering plant.
Many people try to grow hibiscus for its pleasing and bright colors. If they get little care, it will reward with many beautiful and mysterious bloom throughout year attracting hummingbirds and butterflies and providing the look of a tropical garden irrespective of any variety.
Here are some tips for growing and caring for hibiscus – Follow the below tips & enjoy bright and beautiful bloom year around.

It is most important factor. Since this plant is originated from tropical zone - hot and humid climate is favorable to grow hibiscus in pot or ground. In order to get best bloom you should place where temperature remain 15-35 degree Celsius. It requires minimum 2 hours to get flowers and max 8 hours of sunlight to get maximum bloom. This is important to make your hibiscus thrive and produce lush flowers.
When hibiscus is in their blooming stage, they require large amounts of water. Your hibiscus will need daily watering in warm weather. But once the weather cools, your hibiscus needs far less water, and too much water can kill it. In the winter, water your hibiscus only when the soil is dry to the touch.
Fertilize the hibiscus every two weeks. Use a water-soluble fertilizer in combination with a slow-release type. You can use N-P-K fertilizer high in last number to encourage more bloom. Or else bone meal, ran meal, dry banana peel and onion peel fertilizer to encourage more bloom. Make sure to feed your hibiscus with this fertilizer every other week. This is the only way to give your plant all the nutrients it needs and to make it produce healthy blooms.
Potting Mix:
Best potting mix to grow hibiscus- 50% garden soil and river sand, 20% vermin compost, 20% cow manure and remaining 10% mixture of Neem powder and muster cake. Hibiscus love acidic soil- Add lemon water or Vinegar to maintain soil acidity.
Re potting and container size:
You can grow hibiscus from 4 inch to 16 inch pot. You should re-pot your hibiscus once roots started coming out from pot holes. To re-pot you can sink your hibiscus into water to loosen soil around it and after 3-4 hours you can see roots which can be cut to give more boosts to plant. Now make use of potting mixes suggested by me & re-pot your hibiscus in next size container to give more room to grow. It is best to plant your hibiscus in a larger pot. The best one is a container that is wider than the nursery pot, but still not too deep. This way you will make your hibiscus strong and make it produce more flowers.
Pest and Disease control:
Hibiscus is more susceptible pest attack. Red mites, white flies, mealy bug, trips, gall midge, aphids. You can get rid of all these simply washing off the entire plant with alternate days until plant seems to be healthy or you can use Neem oil with liquid detergent to get rid of insects ever week till you get visible result.
Pruning means "trimming or cutting branches to give bushier and healthier look to your hibiscus plant. Hibiscus plants respond well to pruning during warm weather as it will actively push to plant to produce more branches. Remember one equation – More branches = More flowers.

Few important tips for keeping your hibiscus healthy and blooming year around:
Use rich soil. Soil that is light and rich in compost or manure provides plenty of nutrients constantly to the plants
Remove faded bloom and deadhead often to get more flowers.
To promote flowering use fertilizer rich in potash. Banana peel and Onion peel water work best.
Let the sun shine – Give direct sunlight at least 4 hours every day.
Moderate watering.
Prevention is better than cure – Neem oil with liquid detergent spry to get rid of insects ( Every alternate week)
So friends follow above tips to grow healthy hibiscus plant & enjoy colorful gorgeous blooms throughout year.
Happy Gardening !
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Good Inputs for Novice like Myself
Very basic & informative.. Thanks... Would have loved if you could explain grafting different colours on same stem and how to develop it in infant stages. Still thanks a lot...
Excellent & very knowledgable..Was suprised to see we have many things to be taken care of hibiscus to grow..
Nice information. Thanks a lot for guidance